Thursday, June 18, 2009

Our parents are really creative!

Over the years we've done a lot of teaching. Nothing is one way, however, and we've learned just as much from our families. This post is to give our most creative parents and families a place to post their best ideas for keeping their children engaged and learning this summer. For example: one of our families will sit down together before the summer starts and write down all their ideas for activities and fun during the summer then throw them in a hat. Everyday during the summer someone gets to pick from the hat and the family does that activity that day. What a great idea!
-Dr. Patterson_

1 comment:

  1. We love this concept! One of our favorite summer traditions is "Park Day". We make a map of all the parks in the area we want to visit, plan our route to minimize driving time, and hit ten parks IN ONE DAY. Yes you read that correctly. We set our watches for exactly thirty minutes at each park, pack snacks, sunscreen, drinks, and a picnic lunch and head out. We have had friends meet up with us along the way. It's become one of the most memorable, fun traditions of summer! Give it a try!
